• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Skipping breakfast: who is at risk?


Jul 3, 2024

Breakfast should not be skipped, especially for individuals with digestive issues, poor health, the elderly, diabetics, or heart patients. Many people believe that breakfast is a minor meal and often skip it, which can have serious effects on the body. Experts emphasize the importance of breakfast as it provides necessary energy for the body to function throughout the day. After a period of about 10-12 hours of fasting overnight, the body needs to replenish its energy levels.

Research shows that people who eat breakfast tend to be healthier, have lower risks of chronic diseases, and are less likely to be overweight or obese compared to those who skip breakfast. Lack of breakfast can lead to a lack of energy, forcing the body to use reserves of sugar and protein for activities, resulting in dry and malnourished skin. This can lead to wrinkles, affect concentration, and impact work performance.

Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating at later meals, especially in the evening when there is less activity, causing the body to store excess fat. This can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Certain groups of people, such as those with digestive problems, poor health, the elderly, diabetics, and heart patients, are more sensitive to changes in diet and skipping breakfast can be particularly harmful for them.

People with digestive issues, poor health, and the elderly need the nutrients and energy from breakfast to maintain health and support recovery processes. Diabetics need to stabilize blood sugar levels, and heart patients need proper nutrition to manage their condition. It is important for these groups to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before making any dietary changes. Breakfast options such as vermicelli, pho, sticky rice, and bread can provide energy and essential nutrients to kickstart the day.


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