• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Smoking e-cigarettes accelerates aging in Generation Z


Jun 4, 2024

Experts have noted that many people from Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, appear older due to their use of e-cigarettes. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that young adults aged 18 to 24 have the highest rate of e-cigarette use, surpassing older age groups. In addition to potentially fatal health effects, inhaling cigarette smoke can result in bad breath, yellow teeth, and premature wrinkles.

One of the main attractions of e-cigarettes is their “smoke-free” design. However, Dr. Bav Shergill, a member of the British Association of Dermatologists, warns that nicotine in e-cigarettes can diminish skin elasticity, leading to a lackluster appearance. Nicotine and other harmful substances in cigarette smoke can also contribute to skin issues such as acne and psoriasis.

Exposure to toxic chemicals through cigarette smoke triggers an inflammatory response in the body, exacerbating skin conditions like psoriasis. Over time, the combination of sunlight and e-cigarette smoke can impede blood flow to the skin, hindering the skin’s ability to repair and regenerate healthy cells. The heat generated by e-cigarettes can further damage the skin, leading to dehydration, dullness, and increased wrinkles as collagen levels decrease.

Research comparing twin siblings has shown that smokers tend to have more sun-damaged skin than non-smokers, with an earlier onset of aging. The loss of collagen in the skin due to e-cigarette use can result in sagging and reduced elasticity, akin to removing filler from a mattress. Ultimately, the combination of nicotine, heat, and other substances in e-cigarettes can have detrimental effects on the skin, causing premature aging and various skin issues.


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