• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Society Appoints Five New Members to Honorary Board


Jun 26, 2024

Society for Science has appointed five new members to its Honorary Board for the year 2024. These members are selected by the Board of Trustees to provide guidance on scientific matters that are important to the Society’s overall mission. The Honorary Board comprises distinguished individuals from various fields including scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

The new members include Charles H. Bennett, a Fellow at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, Martin Chalfie, a University Professor at Columbia University and Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry in 2008, Sylvester James Gates, Jr., a distinguished professor at the University of Maryland, Shirley Ann Jackson, President Emerita of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Joe Palca, a freelance science journalist and former NPR Science Correspondent.

Maya Ajmera, the President & CEO of Society for Science, expressed excitement about the new appointees and their contributions to advancing the Society’s mission of educating and inspiring future STEM leaders. Mary Sue Coleman, Chair of the Board of Trustees, also welcomed the new members and highlighted their potential to further enhance the Society’s impact and reach.

The Honorary Board plays a crucial role in advising the Society on organizational strategies and engaging with students who participate in their science competitions. These new members are expected to bring valuable expertise and leadership to the Honorary Board, strengthening the Society’s efforts to promote scientific literacy and provide access to STEM programs for all.


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