• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Sols 4222-4224: The Power Puzzle of Prickly Nature


Jun 22, 2024

The next step in the drill campaign involves continuing the analysis using SAM, the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite. This instrument is known to require a significant amount of power, so it is important to ensure that there is enough power available for this next phase. Despite having three sols available and CheMin only taking up the first overnight period, careful consideration needs to be given to how the free time is utilized.

There are times when the science team’s plans are delivered with a sense of optimism, hoping to include extra science activities in the plan. However, in this particular instance, a more strategic approach was needed. The midday science operations working group meeting, known as SOWG, turned into a puzzle session as the team worked to rearrange tasks and prioritize activities.

It was important to assess what could be moved around and what needed to be set aside temporarily in order to ensure that there was enough power and time allocated for the upcoming analysis with SAM. This required thoughtful planning and a detailed consideration of the schedule to maximize the scientific outcomes of the drill campaign.


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