• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

South Carolina establishes new agency for overseeing public health services


Jul 1, 2024

Effective July 1st, South Carolina will see a change in how public health services are managed. The Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will no longer exist, as it is being replaced by two new state agencies. One agency will focus on public health, while the other will oversee environmental services. This transition follows the signing of a bill into law by Gov. Henry McMaster last year.

Dr. Edward Simmer, the interim director of the new Department of Public Health, has stated that services such as obtaining birth certificates and requesting immunization records will remain largely unchanged. The office’s phone number will remain the same, and visitors to DHEC’s website will be redirected to the new Department of Public Health page. Dr. Simmer believes that this reorganization is an opportunity to improve how health services are delivered in South Carolina, with a focus on increasing outreach and engagement efforts.

South Carolina’s overall health ranking is currently 45th out of the 50 states, which Dr. Simmer finds concerning. He emphasizes the need for improvement and vows to provide consistent service to the state’s residents. While the consolidation of agencies did not pass this year, there are plans to revisit the topic in the future. Supporters of merging six agencies into one promise to continue the effort next year.

As these changes unfold, it is essential for South Carolinians to stay informed and engaged in their state’s health services. The goal is to make improvements that will benefit the community and raise the overall health ranking of the state. By working together, residents and officials can create a healthier future for South Carolina.


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