• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

State Representative Levy hosts virtual technology forum for Bend-La Pine Schools


Jun 25, 2024

The use of technology in schools has become a hot topic of discussion in Bend-La Pine and other areas. To address this issue, state Rep. Emerson Levy of Bend organized a virtual forum on Monday night to address the impact of cellphones and other technologies on students, staff, teachers, and caregivers both inside and outside the classroom.

Educators are using digital tools to enhance learning experiences and prepare students for the digital future. However, some advocates within Bend-La Pine schools believe that increased cellphone and social media usage is leading to issues such as depression, loneliness, isolation, and acting as a distraction rather than a learning tool.

The U.S. Surgeon General is even considering implementing a tobacco-style warning on social media platforms. From the forum on Monday night, it seems that state officials are leaning towards removing cellphones from classrooms to address these concerns.

There are also discussions around holding tech giants accountable for the negative impact their platforms may have on students. Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum stated that a federal lawsuit was filed against Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, alleging that the platforms were designed to addict children and teenagers.

State Rep. Lisa Reynolds mentioned that she has noticed a significant increase in noise levels in school hallways due to cellphone usage. As a pediatrician and a parent, she believes that reducing virtual experiences in favor of embodied ones is crucial.

Despite concerns from parents regarding the need to reach their children in case of emergencies, representatives assure that communication channels exist for such situations. The implementation of policies at a district or state level is seen as necessary to address the issue of technology in schools.


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