• Sun. Jun 9th, 2024

Students of Military Medical Academy were recognized for 55 research projects


Jun 9, 2024

The 2024 Scientific Research Student Conference, organized by the Military Medical Academy, awarded projects that provide effective treatment solutions for common diseases in the community such as infectious diseases, liver diseases, anxiety disorders, and cancer. The conference featured 84 topics reported by cadets and students of university systems affiliated with the Academy to the professional council.

During the conference on June 9, students of the Military Medical Academy presented their scientific research results. Groups of authors presented research on various topics and responded to criticism from the expert council in areas such as internal medicine, external and paraclinical medicine, basic medicine, preventive medicine, pharmacy, scientific education, and social sciences and humanities. Many groups focused on providing treatment solutions for patients with conditions like hearing loss, cardiopulmonary arrest rescue, and the prognostic value of arterial blood lactate concentration in patients with multiple injuries.

The Council recognized works with scientific and creative value, awarding 9 first prizes, 10 second prizes, 18 third prizes, and 18 consolation prizes at the conference. Lieutenant General, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Xuan Kien, Director of the Military Medical Academy, presented the awards to the author representatives of the winning groups.

Associate Professor Kien highlighted that the Scientific Research Student Conference aims to evaluate the scientific research results of cadets and students to enhance their training beyond the official program. The conference helps students develop skills in research, presentation, and writing scientific reports. The academy’s leaders hope that students will learn from the conference experience and improve the quality of their scientific work. By engaging in research activities, students and practitioners can broaden their knowledge and contribute to the medical field as physicians and researchers.


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