• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Study finds that drinking alcohol before taking a nap on flights may pose health risks – NBC Los Angeles


Jun 5, 2024

German researchers have recommended avoiding alcohol consumption during flights due to the increased health risks identified in a recent study. The study found that the combination of alcohol, sleep, and low oxygen levels at high altitudes can reduce blood oxygen saturation, increase heart rate, and negatively impact sleep quality. These effects were particularly pronounced in young and healthy participants, with even greater risks for older individuals and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Research has shown that drinking alcohol before falling asleep on long flights can pose health risks to passengers of all ages and health statuses. The combination of alcohol consumption, sleep, and low oxygen levels challenges the cardiovascular system and can lead to prolonged low oxygen levels in the blood. As a result, airlines are encouraged to limit the amount of alcohol served during flights to mitigate these risks.

The study conducted by researchers at the German Aerospace Center’s Institute of Aerospace Medicine and Aachen University revealed that alcohol consumption during inflight sleep can decrease blood oxygen saturation, increase heart rate, and reduce the amount of deep sleep experienced. Even young and healthy participants experienced significant decreases in blood oxygen levels and increases in heart rate during sleep after consuming alcohol.

The study warns that higher doses of alcohol could amplify these effects, potentially increasing the risk of health complications and medical emergencies during flight. This is especially concerning for older individuals and those with pre-existing medical conditions who may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of alcohol consumption while flying. Researchers recommend avoiding alcohol altogether while flying to reduce these risks and ensure a safer flight experience for passengers.


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