• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

SU political science professor finds first presidential debate to be ineffective


Jun 28, 2024

A political science professor at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School, Grant Reeher, believes that most voters were left disappointed with the first Presidential debate and were dissatisfied with at least one candidate, if not both. Reeher suggests that the American people did not come away from the debate feeling more informed about the candidates. Specifically, he noted that President Biden appeared frail from the moment he stepped on stage and often spoke in a way that made it difficult for the audience to follow, unless they had a deep understanding of the policy area being discussed.

Reeher commented that Biden seemed to struggle in the first 30 minutes of the debate, while Donald Trump initially appeared more rational and presidential-like. However, as the debate progressed, Trump became more over the top, resembling more of a campaign rally than a political debate. Reeher pointed out that Trump tended to use hyperbole, make false statements, and present himself as the best in every category, contrasting Biden as the worst.

As a result, Reeher believed that Biden performed better in the second half of the debate as he tried to answer questions, although his responses were still somewhat confusing. On the other hand, Trump consistently steered the conversation back to US immigration and the border crisis, as he views them as winning issues for his campaign. Looking ahead to the next debate, Reeher suggested that Trump’s advisors may advise him to refrain from engaging in inflammatory rhetoric, while Biden’s team should focus on energizing him and highlighting his accomplishments, particularly in the realm of economic policies.


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