• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy advocates for health alerts on social media concerning young users


Jun 17, 2024

In an op-ed published in The New York Times, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy called for social media platforms to include health warnings for younger users. He stated that it is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media, specifically stating that it is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents. Murthy’s office had previously issued an advisory on social media use and its potential effects on teenage users, urging social media companies to prioritize safety and privacy in their product designs and enforce minimum age requirements.

This call for health warnings on social media platforms comes as concerns grow over the impact of social media on adolescents’ mental health. Murthy’s plea highlights the need for greater awareness and transparency about the potential risks that social media can pose to young users. The issue of social media and its impact on mental health is one that continues to evolve, and it is important for both users and platforms to consider the potential consequences of excessive social media use.

As this story develops, it will be important to monitor any updates on the implementation of health warnings on social media platforms. The contributions of ABC News’ Ahmad Hemingway, Dr. Amanda Kravitz, and Dr. Mariam Gomaa have provided insight into the growing concerns surrounding social media and its impact on adolescents’ mental health. Stay tuned for further updates on this important issue.


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