Categories: Technology

Surgeon in Rome Operates Patient’s Prostate in China via Telesurgery from 8,000 km Away

A groundbreaking remote surgery conducted by a surgeon in Rome on a patient in Beijing, China, showcased the advancements in medical technology that made it possible. The surgery was made feasible by the integration of 5G technology and fiber optic connections that enabled seamless coordination between the two countries. Dr. Zhang Xu, the head of Urology at the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital in China, operated from Rome using a surgical console that provided real-time visuals of the patient. With the assistance of robotic arms, Zhang successfully removed cancerous tissue from the patient’s prostate.
During the remote surgery, a medical team and another surgeon were present with the patient in China to address any potential issues that may arise. The operation was livestreamed at a medical conference in Rome, titled “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics and AI,” highlighting the innovative nature of the procedure. The low latency of just 135 milliseconds during the surgery contributed to its success, with Zhang Xu remarking on the resemblance to an in-person surgical experience.
Following the success of this remote surgery, Zhang Xu’s team expressed intentions to continue utilizing this technology for future operations, particularly for the treatment of military personnel. This development may signify a shift in how surgeries are conducted in the future, suggesting a potential revolution in the field of medicine. The possibilities brought about by this remote surgery showcase the boundless potential of technological advancements in healthcare.

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