• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Survey shows 42% of employees fear AI will replace them in the next decade


Jun 27, 2024

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative AI (GenAI) tools in companies has seen significant growth in recent months. This indicates that organizations are increasingly trusting the benefits that these tools can offer. However, there is also a growing sense of anxiety surrounding their use, with 42 percent of workers believing that their jobs may become obsolete in the next decade due to this technology.

These findings come from a global survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group, which involved over 13,000 managers, middle managers, and employees. The purpose of the survey was to understand how AI is impacting organizations and the mindset of workers towards it. The results are documented in a study called ‘AI at Work: Friend and Foe’, following last year’s ‘AI at Work: What People Are Saying’ survey.

BCG believes that there is a general understanding that AI will have a positive and transformative impact on society and businesses. However, there has been a shift in perspective, with 46 percent of respondents feeling optimistic about implementing AI in processes, down from 52 percent the previous year. Despite this, trust in AI-powered tools has increased from 26 percent to 42 percent in 2024.

The survey also shows that workers who regularly use generative AI tools are more likely to fear losing their jobs, with 49 percent of users thinking their job may disappear compared to 24 percent of non-users. Training plays a crucial role in unlocking the full potential of AI technology, but workers face challenges such as lack of time to learn and uncertainty about when to use these tools.

Overall, organizations need to be open to structural changes to adopt AI technology effectively. Training and updating employees and leaders are essential, as well as ensuring their satisfaction, which will ultimately benefit customers.Building a muscle that allows for ongoing training and adaptation to new technologies is key to achieving efficiency and productivity in businesses.


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