• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Team event at LIV Golf Nashville won by Caleb Surratt


Jun 24, 2024

Former Vol Caleb Surratt competed in the LIV Golf Nashville event at The Grove in College Grove, Tennessee, concluding on Sunday. Despite finishing tied for 25th place with a score of -5, he was 14 strokes behind the winner, Tyrrell Hatton, who finished at -19.

Not only was Surratt part of the field, but he is also a member of Legion XIII, a team that includes Jon Rahm as captain, Hatton, and Kieran Vincent. Legion XIII managed to win the team event at LIV Golf Nashville, finishing five strokes ahead of Crushers GC with an impressive score of -40.

The LIV Golf format includes 12 teams, 48 players, 14 events, and zero cuts, with shotgun starts for each event. Each player’s stroke counts towards the individual event, with the winner being the player with the lowest total shot count after 54 holes. In the team event, the top three players’ scores are combined for the team’s round count, with the team with the lowest cumulative score over three rounds becoming the team champion.

During the first two days of each event, only the top three players’ scores count towards their team’s round score. On the final day, all four players’ scores count. The top eight teams earn points in the team standings based on their performance in each event.


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