• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Technology at the Forefront of HPD’s Crime Fighting Efforts Despite Officer Shortage | NewsRadio 740 KTRH


Jun 10, 2024

With the Houston Police Department still facing a shortage of at least 1,200 officers, there has been a recent emphasis on increasing the use of license plate scanning cameras in the city. However, the question arises of whether technology alone can provide the necessary security, especially in a city like Houston.

Doug Griffith, the president of the Houston Police Officer’s Union, emphasized that while these cameras are helpful in increasing police presence, they cannot replace the need for more officers on the ground. He stressed the importance of having additional manpower to effectively address the city’s security challenges.

Currently, Houston boasts over 3,800 license plate reading cameras, the highest number in the country, and plans to invest $1 million in acquiring 60 new cameras. Griffith acknowledged that these cameras serve as a useful tool in targeting violent offenders but reiterated that they cannot substitute for the role of officers patrolling the streets.

In essence, while license plate scanning cameras can aid in law enforcement efforts, they are not a complete solution to combating violent crime. Griffith’s stance underscores the crucial need for more police officers to ensure public safety in Houston.


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