• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Technology Enhances Patient Care in Centra Program


Jun 5, 2024

Centra recently announced the launch of its Remote Home Monitoring (RHM) Program as part of its One Centra strategic theme. This program was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide care directly to patients at home, enhancing the patient experience. The goal of the RHM Program is to reduce hospital readmissions and emergency department visits, while helping patients manage chronic conditions like diabetes, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, COPD, and hypertension. Participants in the program receive a kit that includes a tablet, digital scale, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, and heart rate monitor, all of which connect to a tablet for continuous monitoring by Centra’s Command Center Team.

Patients in the RHM Program are reminded to take their medications and complete daily surveys to track their well-being. Feedback from participants has been very positive, with most patients appreciating the extra support provided by the program. The average length of stay in the program is 48 to 90 days, emphasizing proactive care and continuous support to help patients establish healthier habits. The program aligns with Centra’s strategic theme of One Centra, which focuses on unified service standards, resource allocation, and healthcare delivery. The RHM Program has successfully served patients from various care settings like PACE, CMG Offices, and Centra hospitals, demonstrating its value in improving patient-centered healthcare.


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