• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Technology Glitch Dismissed as Lake on Planet Mars


Jun 7, 2024

Recent satellite data has revealed new information about the polar ice caps on Mars that challenges previous assumptions. The Mars Express radar data showed that the south polar region is made up of many layers of ice and dust down to about a mile in depth before transitioning to water. This suggests the presence of a lake roughly 12 miles long located about one mile beneath the southern Martian ice cap, similar to Lake Vostok in Antarctica.

Despite the radar reflections that indicate the possible presence of a subglacial lake on Earth, Cornell scientists remain skeptical due to the different temperature and pressure conditions on Mars. Robotic explorers have provided evidence of water flowing on the surface of ancient Mars, including at a former river delta currently being investigated by Nasa’s Perseverance rover.

In 2015, Nasa believed they had found liquid water on Mars when new rivulets were discovered in the sand, but they were later determined to be sand itself moving. Cambridge scientists pointed out that unusual surface patterns found during the research were not likely caused by radar interference. The research, published in the journal Science Advances and conducted in collaboration with Nasa, sheds new light on the potential presence of liquid water on Mars.


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