• Wed. Jun 5th, 2024

Texas Patent Suit Filed Against TCL for Smartphone Camera Technology


Jun 5, 2024

C47 Technologies LLC, a patent owner based in Nevada, has filed a lawsuit against TCL Technology Group Corp., claiming that their smartphones infringe on patented camera technology. The complaint, filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, specifically mentions TCL 10, 20, and 30 model smartphones. The technology used in these smartphones’ cameras allegedly mirrors that of US Patent No. 10,984,605.

Interestingly, the patent in question is said to have expired in October 2022, according to estimates by Bloomberg Law. This raises questions about the validity of the lawsuit, as a patent typically grants the owner exclusive rights to the technology for a set period of time.

The ‘605 patent focuses on “camera arrangements with backlighting detection,” as stated in the complaint. C47 Technologies LLC claims that the technology and method covered in the patent improve the quality of images captured by the cameras in question. However, given that the patent has expired, it remains to be seen how this will impact the lawsuit and any potential settlement.

Regardless of the outcome, this case highlights the complexities and nuances of patent law, especially in the rapidly evolving field of smartphone technology. As both parties navigate the legal system, the fate of this patent infringement case will likely draw attention from others in the industry.


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