• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

The Annual Eagleman Race Expected to Boost Business in Cambridge


Jun 7, 2024

Athletes from all over the United States gathered in Cambridge, Maryland on the Eastern Shore for the annual Eagleman Race. The event included running, biking, and swimming, and athletes came prepared with their bikes strapped to their cars. Stefano Bono, the owner of Carmela’s Cucina, highlighted the importance of providing carb-heavy meals to fuel the triathletes during the races. The restaurant also offers gluten-free options for those with dietary restrictions.

In 2022, the Eagleman Race brought in $4.8 million to Cambridge, according to a study. However, Bill Cristopher, the President of the Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce, expects this number to be even higher this year. He explained that on average, each athlete brings 1.7 people with them, resulting in nearly 3 people per athlete attending the event. As attendees visit the Eastern Shore for the race, some are inspired to stay permanently.

The Eagleman Race has not only provided a significant economic boost to Cambridge but has also attracted new residents to the area. Christopher noted that some people who initially came to race have gone on to purchase homes and become part-time or full-time residents of the Eastern Shore. By drawing in future residents, the event has contributed to the long-term economic growth of the area.


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