• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

The Arab League declares Hezbollah is no longer deemed a terrorist group


Jul 1, 2024

The Arab League has decided to no longer classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, according to Arab League Assistant Secretary General Hussam Zaki. Zaki cited Hezbollah’s important role in Lebanon’s politics and future as the reason for removing it from the list of terrorist organizations.

It is important to recall that the Arab League initially declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization on November 19, 2017, during an emergency session called by Saudi Arabia. Lebanon and Iraq abstained from participating in the vote. Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Gulf Cooperation Council had previously classified Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in 2013.

This shift in the Arab League’s stance on Hezbollah reflects a changing political landscape in the region, where Hezbollah’s role is seen as more nuanced and significant. The decision to remove Hezbollah from the list of terrorist organizations is likely to have wide-ranging implications for regional politics and diplomacy.


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