• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

The boy’s entire kidney was covered by an 8 kg tumor


Jun 28, 2024

A 23-year-old man initially attributed his big belly to weight gain and avoided seeking medical attention. However, when he began experiencing difficulty breathing and pain, he was admitted to the hospital where doctors discovered an 8 kg tumor in his abdomen. Dr. Ha Hai Nam, Deputy Head of Abdominal Surgery Department I at K Hospital, described this case as rare due to the size of the tumor, which was compressing the patient’s organs. Surgery was deemed necessary to remove the tumor and prevent further complications.

The examination and biopsy results revealed that the tumor was a malignant soft tissue sarcoma originating in the soft tissues of the body. The large size of the tumor presented a challenge for the surgical team, with the initial plan being to remove the kidney along with the tumor to prevent the spread of malignant cells. Controlling blood loss during surgery was also a critical concern, as the removal of such a large tumor could lead to complications such as heart failure.

Following a lengthy surgery on June 26, the doctors successfully removed the 8 kg tumor while preserving the patient’s kidney. The young man is currently under observation at the hospital as he continues his recovery. Soft tissue sarcomas, which form in the lining of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, are relatively rare compared to other cancers but can be complex and difficult to diagnose.

Health experts warn that cancer rates are increasing among younger individuals, emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups. It is recommended to undergo screenings once or twice a year to detect any potential health issues early on and seek prompt medical intervention.


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