• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market


Jun 27, 2024

Professor Lazzeroni, there has been extensive research for years that estimates the jobs that will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In your opinion, which sectors are at the greatest risk of being affected by AI? Do you believe that some analyses are overly alarmist?

When it comes to AI, there have been extreme viewpoints on the potential impact it may have on employment. Some believe that the introduction of AI will lead to significant job loss, while others argue that it could create new opportunities for cooperation, development, and well-being. The concept of “Disruptive Innovation” is at the center of debates surrounding AI, as it is expected to change traditional business models and impact employment numbers.

AI is not just about introducing new processing techniques in specific fields, but it is expected to revolutionize societies and work as a whole. Certain sectors are more likely to be affected by AI, and there may be a displacement effect between different types of employment. The impact of AI may vary based on age, specialization, and gender, highlighting the need for careful consideration of workforce composition.

Regarding Pope Francis’ speech at the G7, there is a call for politics to take responsibility in avoiding private entities from gaining more control over activities of public interest. This transfer of power is already evident in regulations related to data usage on the Internet, where governance and business need to work together to ensure transparency and compliance with privacy rules.

In terms of international standards for regulating AI, there are challenges in reaching consensus due to geopolitical competition and divergent views on AI development. The focus on developing tools and techniques that provide a competitive edge makes it difficult to establish common rules for AI usage.

Legislative initiatives at both the national and EU level in the field of AI are important, but there are concerns about the effectiveness of these regulations. The approval of laws that may limit trade union information and consultation rights raises questions about the balance between regulation and industry interests.

The introduction of a label for companies that make “ethical” use of AI, based on established principles, could be beneficial. However, the effectiveness of such a label will depend on how it is implemented in practice, ensuring that companies uphold ethical standards and prevent abuse and social washing.

Digital sustainability is crucial in the context of digital transformation, as it affects production, work contexts, and social dynamics. It is essential to consider the impact of digital sustainability on workers and ensure that technological advances do not compromise fundamental rights.

Awareness of the correlation between sustainability and digital transformation is still lacking in many institutions and companies in Italy. To raise awareness, there is a need for education, dialogue, and action to promote digital sustainability and protect common values in a rapidly changing technological landscape.


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