• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The importance of choosing words carefully when addressing mental health


Jun 24, 2024

For anyone in need of help, reaching the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline can be done by calling or texting 988 or through live chat at 988lifeline.org. Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month is celebrated in June, with data from the New York State Department of Health showing that the majority of suicides in New York between 2017 and 2019 were committed by men.

It is important to be aware of the resources available for those facing suicide, such as the 988 Crisis Helpline. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Canada offers a language guide to help change the way we talk about suicide, making it more respectful and hopeful. By changing the language we use, we can help reduce the stigma associated with suicide and encourage individuals to seek help when in crisis.

According to experts like Dr. Allison Crawford, using the right language when discussing suicide can make a significant difference. By shifting from phrases like “commit suicide” to “die by suicide” and using terms like “facing suicide” instead of “suicidal,” we can create a more supportive environment for those struggling with suicidal thoughts. The goal is to help individuals feel heard and understood, rather than judged or stigmatized.

Ultimately, the key to supporting someone who is facing suicide is to be present and open. Crawford emphasizes that it’s not about having all the right answers, but about showing up and being willing to listen. Whether it’s reaching out to the 988 Crisis Helpline or speaking with a family member for guidance, having these conversations is essential for providing the support and resources needed to help those in crisis.


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