• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The Intersection of Sports and Technology in Heaven


Jun 19, 2024

Randy Alcorn from Eternal Perspectives Ministry in Oregon was asked a question by a reader about why so many Christians tend to put God in a box when discussing Heaven and the afterlife. The reader mentioned hearing statements like there won’t be sports or technology in Heaven, but they know from Scripture that there will be mansions and homes in Heaven and the New Earth. The reader referred to the verse “nothing is too hard for the Lord” when contemplating these statements.

Doreen Button, a staff member at EPM, responded to the question by acknowledging that humans have a tendency to try to control and understand God by putting Him in a box. She mentioned that people often want God to fit their desires and demands, but the God of the Bible is much more complex and beyond human comprehension. She highlighted that God has a plan that cannot be changed and has provided a way for humans to be in relationship with Him.

Button emphasized the importance of sharing the message of God’s love and inviting others into a relationship with Him. She also mentioned an article on Culture, Arts, and Technology on the New Earth, which discusses what many biblical scholars believe about the nature of Heaven and the afterlife. The article suggests that the New Earth will be amazing and full of wonders.

In conclusion, both Alcorn and Button agree that nothing is too hard for the Lord, reaffirming their faith in God’s power and plan for the future. They encourage readers to explore the topic further and embrace the idea that God’s ways are beyond human comprehension.


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