• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The Jewish community shifting stance on Trump amid rising campus antisemitism


Jun 5, 2024

The Jewish community in the USA faced a significant setback at the start of an event on October 7 due to a tweet that caused an uproar online. Many Jewish donors, including prominent names like the Wexner Foundation and the Ofer family, announced they would stop donating to Harvard and other institutions that failed to address anti-Semitism effectively. This reaction was swift, reflecting the sensitivity among Jewish supporters in the wake of rising anti-Semitism.

The escalation of anti-Semitism and hostility toward Israel has been particularly pronounced on academic campuses, with over 200 active cells of SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) engaging in discriminatory practices against Israeli and Jewish students. This behavior, fueled by Qatari and Turkish funding, led media figures and billionaires to mobilize and push for action against university administrations that allowed such discrimination to take place.

The response to this wave of anti-Semitism resulted in a drop in enrollment at Harvard University and a decline in its reputation index. Jewish donors began redirecting their contributions to universities in Israel, such as Bar Ilan University and the University of Haifa, signaling a shift in support away from American institutions that failed to address anti-Semitism effectively.

Furthermore, there is a growing trend of Jewish donors supporting Trump’s campaign, with donations pouring in from prominent figures like Miriam Adelson, Steve Schwartzman, and Jacob Helberg. This realignment of support reflects a deeper reexamination of the Jewish community’s priorities and operations in the face of increasing anti-Semitism in the USA.

In conclusion, the Jewish community in America is undergoing a historic period of introspection and reassessment of its alliances and strategies. Dr. Kobi Barda, an expert in American political history and international relations, emphasizes the need for a comprehensive understanding of the multidimensional challenges facing the community in these turbulent times.


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