• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

The Knesset holds emergency debate on Nile fever outbreak in Israel


Jul 1, 2024

The representative from the ministry stressed that the disease, which is transmitted from birds to humans through a mosquito bite, cannot be spread from person to person. It was noted that children and young people usually experience a mild form of the disease, while adults could face more serious and even fatal consequences. MK Ofer Kasif emphasized the importance of taking action to prevent the disease from spreading further before the number of cases increases. He highlighted that older individuals with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the disease and may suffer long-lasting damage after recovery.

Dr. Shai Reicher from the Ministry of Environmental Protection explained that mosquitoes are influenced by weather conditions, making prevention crucial. MK Yasser Hojirat expressed concern about the increasing number of cases and urged early intervention rather than waiting for the summer months. Dr. Or Krieger, representing the Ministry of Health, emphasized the unusual rise in cases and the need for proactive measures to address the situation.

Dr. Avi Gadot from Ichilov Hospital warned that the disease could be fatal for individuals over 70 and supported taking necessary precautions to save lives. He mentioned a drug being tested to treat patients with Nile fever, which showed promise in fighting viral infections. Dr. Monica Leshkowitz-Mazuz from the Ministry of Agriculture highlighted the increase in cases and the higher percentage of the virus in patients’ blood, indicating a concerning trend. The ministry was actively involved in addressing the outbreak and conducting necessary research and testing to combat the disease effectively.


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