• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

The M5s’ upcoming congress to discuss rule review.


Jun 12, 2024

Giuseppe Conte is proposing a constituent assembly in the autumn to address the issue of a second mandate and discuss necessary changes for the 5 Star Movement. While the goal is to revitalize the movement, Conte emphasizes the importance of maintaining its identity as a political laboratory and avoiding becoming a traditional party. He acknowledges the defeat at the European Championships and is open to stepping aside if his leadership is seen as an obstacle, but he ultimately seeks trust from the community.

In a joint assembly, Conte questioned himself and the movement, stressing the need for self-reflection and analysis of the election results. He rejects blaming voters for the outcome and calls for self-criticism to identify and correct mistakes for future improvement. Conte emphasizes unity and cohesion as the key to a successful restart for the movement, as discussions on redefining the rules and holding a congress in the autumn begin.

The focus is on overcoming challenges such as the dual mandate, promoting greater collegiality and local roots, and developing a new political agenda. Conte’s call for reflection and self-assessment is echoed among elected representatives, who are encouraged to evaluate their efforts and contributions to the movement. The process of redefining the movement’s direction and addressing the election results is just beginning, with the goal of uniting members and moving forward together.


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