• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

The Next Nostradamus Forecasts World War III Only Days Away


Jun 14, 2024

The prediction of World War III beginning imminently has been shockingly announced by an Indian astrologer known as the “New Nostradamus.” Kushal Kumar claims that the planetary alignment on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, will be the strongest stimulus for triggering the long-feared conflict. This prediction was reinforced after the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.

Kumar has justified his alarming claim by pointing out various current and disturbing events. First, he mentioned a recent terror attack in the Himalayas where nine Hindu pilgrims were killed, and 33 others were injured. Additionally, he highlighted an incident where shots were fired at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea when North Korean troops crossed into the area.

Moreover, Kumar drew attention to the escalating conflict in Israel, with Hezbollah forces in Lebanon launching rockets at Israel in retaliation for the death of a commander. He also noted that Russia had sent warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Havana, and China had been conducting war drills near Taiwanese shores, causing concern for US officials.

Despite the potential doomsday prediction for June 18, Kumar has suggested that June 29 could also be a critical date. State officials have echoed these concerns, with NATO warning of a possible war with Russia in the next 20 years and the Doomsday Clock, a symbol of the planet’s proximity to nuclear war, being set at 90 seconds to midnight for the second consecutive year.


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