• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

The office is closed by the leader as the party convenes on the street


Jun 12, 2024

After announcing plans to ally with the Rassemblement National for the upcoming early elections in France, LR leader Eric Ciotti has closed the party headquarters located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. This move is seen as an attempt to prevent other party leaders from meeting to acknowledge his “forced resignation” following widespread opposition to his alliance choice.

Ciotti stated that the meeting called by party number two Annie Genevard did not comply with the legal requirements of their statutes. Despite this, the meeting took place outside the closed headquarters. Aurelien Pradie, who was previously removed from his position as number two by Ciotti, commented “We will get him out of General de Gaulle’s office”, referring to the LR headquarters.

Ciotti cited “security reasons” for the closure of the offices, mentioning threats received and recent riots as factors influencing his decision. He emphasized the need to ensure the safety of the staff in light of these events.

Following his actions, Ciotti was unanimously expelled from Les Republicains (LR), with deputies Annie Genevard and Francois-Xavier Bellamy taking the helm of the Gaullist party. Despite the expulsion, Ciotti remained defiant, declaring, “I am and will remain the president” of the party.


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