• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The Secret Code Word Unveiled: Find Out What Happens at Splash Festival


Jul 2, 2024

Gräfenhainichen in Saxony-Anhalt is gearing up to host Germany’s largest hip-hop festival, “Splash!,” starting on the Ferropolis peninsula on Lake Gremmin. The festival will feature stars like DSDS juror Shirin David and US rapper 21 Savage. However, there is a safety measure in place for attendees who may feel uncomfortable or threatened during the event.

If any of the approximately 30,000 festival-goers ask for directions to “Panama,” an alarm will be triggered, and they will be escorted to a safe area on the edge of the festival grounds. This designated safe retreat, known as “Panama,” is a specially built area near the campsite to protect individuals from harassment, threats, or insults. The festival organizers have implemented this system to ensure that everyone can feel safe and comfortable at the event.

The code word “Panama” is known to all staff members at the festival, and there is a trained team available in the retreat area to assist anyone who needs help. In addition, there are special security team members wearing pink vests or a button with an eye symbol to easily identify them. The festival organizers emphasize that any form of discrimination, such as sexism, racism, or homophobia, is not welcome at “Splash!”

The festival is set to run until Sunday evening, with almost all tickets sold out. Only weekend passes for 209.95 euros are still available on the festival’s website. The organizers hope to create a space where everyone can enjoy the music and atmosphere without fear of discrimination or harassment.


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