• Sat. Jun 8th, 2024

The Significance of Men’s Mental Health


Jun 8, 2024

June is Men’s Health Month and it’s important to recognize that anyone can experience depression or anxiety, including men. However, men often tend to avoid seeking help when they need it most. Clinical psychologist Adam Borland from Cleveland Clinic explains that men often try to escape from their problems by burying themselves in work or projects, ignoring the underlying issue.

In order to address a mental health condition, men first need to acknowledge that there is a problem. While the signs of depression and anxiety may overlap between men and women, men may also experience physical symptoms like headaches. Additionally, men may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drugs or alcohol to manage their emotions.

To maintain good mental health, Dr. Borland recommends that men identify friends or family members they can trust to talk to. Writing or journaling can also be an effective way to express difficult emotions. If feelings of depression or anxiety become too overwhelming, seeking help from a mental health professional is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength.

Dr. Borland emphasizes that it is unhealthy to ignore mental health issues and that seeking treatment is a positive step towards healing. He notes that more men are seeking therapy and encourages others to do the same if needed. For those interested in learning more or accessing additional resources on men’s mental health, they can contact ccnewsservice@ccf.org for password information to download soundbites, b-roll, scripts, and web articles.


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