• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

The Third Angle: Perspectives from Innovators Devoted to Their Products – Technology Insights


Jun 27, 2024

Alice Chambers hosts The Third Angle podcast, sponsored by PTC, where designers from various industries around the world are given a platform to showcase their innovative products and discuss how technology plays a vital role in their success. The podcast features topics like the development of a fully electric motorcycle, exploration of the virtual world, and the design of the first commercially available flying car.

With over 30 companies already featured on the podcast, The Third Angle offers a behind-the-scenes look at the work of these designers, with a new product being highlighted every two weeks. Each episode demonstrates how digital innovation is transforming the physical world and emphasizes PTC’s contribution to driving technological advancements.

Listeners can tune in to The Third Angle podcast to learn about the latest breakthroughs in technology and how designers are pushing boundaries to create innovative products in various industries.


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