• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The UAE Takes the Lead in Artificial Intelligence Investments


Jun 28, 2024

Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications in the UAE government, highlighted the country’s position as a leader in technology and artificial intelligence. He emphasized the collaboration with international partners and adherence to industry standards.

Al Olama, the world’s first minister dedicated to developing an artificial intelligence strategy since 2017, is at the forefront of the global competition for technological advancement. Microsoft’s substantial investment in G42, an AI group based in Abu Dhabi, further solidifies the UAE’s commitment to innovation.

G42, a conglomerate with diverse interests in various sectors including data centers, energy, healthcare, and biotechnology, showcases the UAE’s efforts to diversify its economy beyond oil. The country aims to leverage artificial intelligence to drive economic growth and innovation, with projections indicating a significant contribution to the GDP by 2030.

The UAE’s national strategy for artificial intelligence encompasses deploying AI in key sectors, nurturing talent, and creating an ecosystem conducive to innovation. The government is actively training officials in AI and promoting education initiatives to prepare citizens for the future of work.

As the global AI landscape becomes increasingly competitive, Al Olama emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships while maintaining a balanced foreign policy. Despite challenges in the international AI market, the UAE remains a reliable and trustworthy partner for technology collaboration.

With a focus on promoting innovation and excellence, the UAE is positioning itself as a global leader in artificial intelligence by 2031. By fostering talent, investing in technology, and fostering international partnerships, the country aims to secure its position as a hub for cutting-edge technological advancements.


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