• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Thieves steal electric bikes following crash at Fresno establishment.


Jun 8, 2024

Police in Fresno, California are on the lookout for individuals who recently broke into a bike shop in northeast Fresno on two separate occasions. The first incident occurred on April 17th, when the suspects broke a window at Trek Bikes on Friant Road and Fresno Street, making off with five e-bikes valued at over $23,000.

Less than two weeks later, the same bike shop was targeted again on April 30th. Surveillance footage captured a blue GMC Sierra pick-up truck crashing through the front entrance, causing more than $10,000 in damages. The suspects were then seen loading six e-bikes worth over $30,000 into the truck.

It is unclear whether the two incidents are connected, and authorities are urging anyone with information to contact Fresno Police. The thefts have caused significant financial losses for the shop, as well as damage to their property. The community is encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to help prevent further crimes like these from occurring in the future.


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