• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

This year’s abundance of troublesome grass awns pose a health risk to dogs


Jun 8, 2024

Veterinarians in Wichita are warning pet owners about the dangers of grass awns, also known as foxtails, which are abundant this year. These small, sharp seeds can cause discomfort and severe pain in dogs by getting lodged in their paws, mouth, eyes, or ears, and even being inhaled.

At Solomon Veterinary Clinic, registered veterinary tech Drew Cooley sees dogs with grass awn injuries almost daily. These seeds can embed in the dogs’ toe pads and under their skin, leading to infections and sores that may cause limping. Pet owners are urged to take their dogs to the vet if they notice sores or signs of infection and to check their dogs’ foot pads regularly after spending time outdoors.

Removing grass awns may require sedation for the dog to avoid causing pain. Vet tech Cooley explains that finding and extracting these seeds can be tricky because they have barbs that dig deep into the skin. She advises pet owners to check their dogs for grass awns every night, especially if they spend a lot of time outside.

Preventative measures like keeping a dog’s coat and fur trimmed around their paws can help reduce the risk of grass awn injuries. By being vigilant and proactive, pet owners can protect their furry friends from the potential harm caused by these pesky seeds.


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