• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Three polling stations were opened in Armenia for the Iranian presidential elections.


Jun 28, 2024

Voting for the extraordinary presidential elections began in Iran today, with three polling stations opened in Armenia from 8 o’clock in the morning. One station is located in the embassy, another in the Blue Mosque, and a third mobile station is available for those with mobility issues and individuals in detention centers. Over 100 citizens have already cast their votes at the embassy, where voting will continue until 19:00 and may be extended if necessary.

Four candidates are vying for the presidency: reformist lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian, former interior and justice minister Mustafa Pourmohamad, former nuclear negotiator and Khamenei’s representative Sayyid Jalil, and parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf. The election will determine the successor to Ebrahim Raisi, who tragically passed away in a helicopter crash on May 19.

In other news unrelated to the elections, there are various articles available providing information on buying and selling properties in different scenarios. Topics range from buying property in a flood zone to purchasing property with zero down payment, as well as tips for selling a home after a natural disaster or with specific issues like mold or radon. Additionally, there are resources for understanding zoning laws, the benefits of buying new construction homes, and the role of a real estate investor in the buying and selling process.


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