• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Tips for Pre-Wedding Weight Maintenance


Jun 30, 2024

It is crucial to approach weight loss and maintenance in a controlled and responsible manner. Extreme diets can be dangerous, leading to frustration, increased hunger, and a lack of control. An unbalanced diet can also result in nutritional deficiencies that harm health. Instead, aim for moderate weight loss of around a kilo to a kilo and a half per week.

When organizing a wedding, stress can lead to emotional eating. Approach the process with excitement and self-love, and ensure your body gets all the necessary nutrients for a balanced diet. Foods high in serotonin, such as eggs, salmon, and nuts, can improve mood and feelings of satiety. Listening to your body’s hunger and satiety signals, planning meals, and avoiding unbalanced eating and snacking are also important.

Creating a menu with a variety of balanced meals that include proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, fruits, whole grains, and antioxidants is key. Before the event, opt for easy-to-digest meals to avoid feeling heavy or bloated. Maintaining physical activity and a healthy diet before the wedding can help you feel relaxed, energetic, and refreshed during the planning process.

By following these tips and taking care of your body with nutritious food and physical activity, you can navigate the pre-wedding period with ease. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! The author of this advice is Lior Eyon, a clinical dietitian from United Central District.


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