• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Top Red Flags to Look for as Better Business Bureau Warns Phishing Scams Have Doubled in 2023


Jun 6, 2024

The Better Business Bureau has released a new study which shows that phishing scams nearly doubled in 2023, with over 9,000 scams reported last year on Scam Tracker. It is expected that 2024 will continue to see a rise in these fraudulent activities, making it another record year.

BBB President Steve Bernas discussed what phishing scams are, how to recognize red flags, and what steps individuals should take if they suspect they are being targeted. Despite phishing being a well-known scam technique, it is still successful due to its adaptability to different forms of communication.

Phishing scams target both individuals and businesses, resulting in billions of dollars in losses over the last three years as reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and BBB Scam Tracker. The constantly changing nature of phishing techniques makes it challenging for the public and authorities to keep up with the evolving defenses required.

Some red flags that may indicate a phishing scam include claims of suspicious activity, requests for financial information or payments, offers of government refunds, and using fake logos or urgent language. It is important to be vigilant and cautious when dealing with unknown or suspicious messages.

For more information on phishing scams and how to protect yourself, visit BBB.org/scamstudies. Stay informed and stay safe online.


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