• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Tourists returning from Sinai are reporting cases of Dengue fever in Israel.


May 24, 2024

The Ministry of Health has reported an increase in cases of dengue fever in the Sinai Peninsula. Since the beginning of the year, seventeen Israeli tourists who returned from Sinai have been diagnosed with the virus. According to the Ministry of Health, three tourists from Israel and Italy were infected in the Sharm el-Sheikh area. The Ministry of Health emphasizes that while there have been cases of dengue fever among tourists returning from Egypt in the past, there were no infections in Sinai until this year. This indicates the expansion of habitat areas for mosquitoes carrying the virus, posing a serious danger to Israel due to its geographical proximity to the infection zones.

Dozens of cases of dengue fever are registered in Israel every year, all of them imported. No secondary infections have occurred in sick Israelis. It is important for travelers to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites when visiting areas where dengue fever is prevalent. By being aware of the risks and taking necessary preventive measures, individuals can protect themselves from contracting this potentially dangerous viral disease.


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