• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Training in Mental Health Response for Law Enforcement in New York


Jun 26, 2024

Law enforcement agencies are putting more focus on assisting Americans who are struggling with mental health issues. Recently, a group of new police recruits underwent training to learn how to understand and interact with individuals facing mental health challenges and disabilities. This training involved responding to simulated calls for service and utilizing a statewide map program that connects individuals in crisis to mental health resources through telehealth access.

Over 30 recruits from 10 different law enforcement agencies in New York participated in this training, which aimed to help officers effectively communicate and de-escalate situations involving individuals with mental health issues. Through the use of internet-enabled tablets, clinicians can conduct remote evaluations to provide support to individuals in crisis without needing to transport them to an emergency room. The goal is to help individuals in need and steer them towards recovery.

Retired sergeant Mark Taylor emphasized the importance of de-escalating situations through effective communication during the training. The ultimate objective is to assist individuals in getting the help they need so that law enforcement agencies do not have to continually respond to similar situations. According to the National Alliance for Mental Illness, one in four Americans are clinically mentally ill, highlighting the significance of law enforcement agencies’ efforts to address mental health concerns in the community.


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