• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Future of Dubai in 2024


Jun 8, 2024

The Future Festival 2024 Dubai activities began on Wednesday, marking the first time the emirate is hosting the event. The festival is taking place at the Dubai Exhibition Center in Expo City and features a series of discussion sessions focusing on artificial intelligence and its various applications across different sectors.

Organized by “DXB Live” in partnership with “Trend Hunter,” the two-day festival aims to bring together sector leaders, innovators, and technology enthusiasts from around the world to discuss the transformative effects of artificial intelligence. Participants will explore emerging trends, gain new insights, and identify opportunities necessary to maintain competitiveness in the future.

The first day of the festival featured various discussion sessions, including keynote speakers from Trend Hunter discussing strategies for innovation and the accelerating pace of change. Female presence in the artificial intelligence sector was highlighted by a session led by Yasmine Al-Anazi, while Jeremy Guccii shared lessons learned from applying artificial intelligence tools over the years.

Later in the day, panels discussed topics such as the 18 megatrends, innovation in healthcare, and the power of technology in improving patient care outcomes. The discussions provided valuable insights into the evolving relationship between technology and healthcare, emphasizing the importance of leveraging advanced technologies to enhance healthcare services.

The opening day concluded with a session for questions and closing remarks, creating an interactive and engaging atmosphere among the audience and influencers. Overall, the “Future Festival 2024 – Dubai” set the stage for constructive dialogue and potential partnerships, solidifying Dubai’s position as a leading destination in the field of artificial intelligence.


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