• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Two spots available as group stage approaches conclusion


Jun 15, 2024

The teams that have qualified for the Super Eight stage are India and the United States. India secured their spot with three wins out of three games, navigating through tough matches against Pakistan and the USA. Despite the challenges, they are looking forward to facing new obstacles in the upcoming stages of the tournament. The United States, on the other hand, surprised many with their performances, especially with a remarkable victory over Pakistan. Ranked 17th in the world, their qualification is a significant achievement for a team with limited major tournament experience.

Unfortunately, Pakistan and Canada have been eliminated from the tournament. Pakistan faced tough losses in the beginning but managed a win against Canada. However, they were unable to secure the needed help from other teams and weather conditions to advance. Canada fought back after an opening loss to the USA but ultimately fell short after a defeat to Pakistan. Despite their efforts, they will not be advancing to the next stage.

Ireland, too, has been eliminated after a disappointing tournament. Their fate was sealed after a loss to Canada and a washout against the USA. Their final game against Pakistan remains an opportunity to salvage some positives from the tournament. Overall, the competition has been fierce, with surprises and disappointments marking the journey of these teams.


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