• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Ukrainian General Staff Releases Data on Russian Army Losses after 860 Days of War


Jul 2, 2024

On July 2, 2024, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine released updated figures on the losses suffered by the Russian army during military operations on Ukrainian soil since February 24, 2022. This report accounts for the 860th day of the conflict, considering data from the previous day.

The data, as reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, includes losses in personnel, aircraft, helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery systems, air defense systems, and various other military equipment utilized by the Russian army. These losses have accumulated over the course of the war, showcasing the toll the conflict has taken on the Russian military.

The reports provided by the General Staff do not cover losses incurred by Russian aircraft and sea vessels due to actions outside of Ukrainian territory. This distinction is important in understanding the full extent of losses suffered by the Russian military during the conflict.

In December 2023, declassified US intelligence documents revealed staggering figures of casualties within the Russian army, estimating over 315 thousand servicemen killed and wounded in Ukraine. These losses are said to have set back the modernization of the Russian army significantly, with estimates suggesting an 18-year setback due to the conflict.

Verified reports suggest that both Russian army personnel and pro-Russian military structures in Ukraine have suffered significant losses. Estimates put the number of Russian military personnel killed at around 56,900, with the possibility of higher casualties. Additional data on injured and captured individuals remains unknown, highlighting the intensity and scale of the conflict.

In contrast to these military losses, civilian casualties in Ukraine have also been devastating. The UN reports indicate that around 11,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed, with over 20,000 injured since the start of the conflict. These figures are considered conservative, with actual numbers likely to be much higher. The city of Mariupol stands out as one of the hardest-hit areas, with local authorities reporting a high number of civilian casualties.


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