• Wed. Jun 12th, 2024

UNICEF condemns the halt of treatment for severe malnutrition for 3,000 children in southern Gaza


Jun 12, 2024

UNICEF denounced the interruption of treatment for acute malnutrition for 3,000 children in the south of the Gaza Strip due to recent attacks in Rafá. The Regional Director spoke out against the lack of food, destruction of healthcare services, and the resulting deaths of children in Gaza. The halt in treatment puts children at risk of further suffering and death if not resumed quickly.

In the midst of a humanitarian crisis, severe and moderate malnutrition cases have increased following attacks in Gaza, limiting access to aid. Concerns are raised as the healthcare system for malnutrition is collapsing due to the region’s instability. The farming director stated that children require continued uninterrupted care to recover from acute malnutrition. As humanitarian aid struggles to reach those in need, the risk of disease and health issues for children is rising.

Despite efforts from UNICEF and other organizations, the situation in Gaza remains dire for children. Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene items are lacking, increasing the risk of health issues. The call for a ceasefire to allow safe delivery of aid is urgent to prevent further harm and suffering. The need for security, fewer restrictions, and better operating conditions on the ground is emphasized to ensure the safety of children and aid workers.


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