• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

United States opposes anti-Iran resolution up for consideration by IAEA


Jun 5, 2024

Britain, Germany and France have jointly presented a draft resolution to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors, condemning Iran’s nuclear activities. The resolution specifically condemns statements made by Iranian leaders about the potential development of nuclear weapons. It also calls for the Iranian regime to fully cooperate with the IAEA, including allowing inspectors to visit sites where radioactive materials were discovered in the past.

The United States has expressed opposition to this resolution, citing concerns about escalating tensions between Iran and the US, especially in the lead-up to the presidential elections. This comes at a time of potential instability in Iran following the recent passing of President Ebrahim Raisi. Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, has vowed that Iran will not remain silent in response to the resolution, viewing it as a form of political pressure.

The resolution has sparked a debate on the international stage, with various perspectives being shared. Some see it as a necessary step to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions, while others view it as a potentially risky move that could further destabilize the region. The outcome of this situation remains to be seen, with diplomatic efforts and negotiations likely to continue in the coming weeks.


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