• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Universal health care is the solution through a single-payer system


Jun 10, 2024

I found the June 3 article discussing the challenges patients face in navigating the current healthcare system to be quite compelling. Our healthcare system is complex and driven by financial motives rather than patient-centered care. While there have been efforts to address issues through small changes, these adjustments do little to simplify the system. Dr. Victor Montori mentioned in the article that substantial change is needed to make the system more patient-friendly, a sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree. I believe we should move towards a single-payer universal healthcare system to improve healthcare in our country.

I speak from both personal and professional experience, having practiced medicine and received care in New Zealand. New Zealand operates a universal healthcare system that is much simpler for both healthcare providers and patients. Processes like authorizations and referrals are straightforward, and prescription drugs are affordable at just $5 per prescription. Additionally, patients can access support for transportation, childcare, rent, and groceries if needed. Medical bankruptcies are practically unheard of in New Zealand, all while maintaining healthcare costs at about half of what they are in the United States per capita.

Economic analysis has demonstrated that a single-payer system would lower healthcare expenditures while ensuring quality coverage for all residents in the United States. By expanding traditional Medicare to cover all individuals and broadening coverage to eliminate the need for supplemental plans for medical, dental, and prescription drug services, we could create a more streamlined system where everyone is covered.

I urge our elected officials to prioritize patient-centered universal healthcare and work towards implementing a system that benefits all individuals. Julie Keller PeaseTopsham


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