• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Updates on laboratory biosecurity guidance by WHO


Jul 4, 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently updated its guidance for national authorities and biomedical laboratories on managing biological risks. Laboratories play a crucial role in health systems, with responsibilities ranging from patient diagnosis to research and development for treatments and vaccines. It is essential that these facilities are appropriately designed, equipped, and staffed to ensure the safety of both the workforce and the community.

The updated guidance includes measures to strengthen cybersecurity, protect confidential information, and reduce risks associated with new technologies such as genetic modification and artificial intelligence. It also provides advice on maintaining lab safety during emergencies like wars, civil unrest, and natural disasters. The goal is to help countries establish frameworks for handling high-consequence pathogens, with a focus on strong institutional governance through an Institutional Biosafety Committee.

By consulting with stakeholders including WHO collaborating centers and technical advisory groups, such as the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (TAG-B), the guidance aims to promote engagement and commitment from institutions and national authorities. This approach helps mitigate risks associated with high-consequence pathogens and research work, safeguarding communities from the misuse or release of biological materials. At the same time, it ensures that legitimate biomedical research can continue to progress. Ultimately, the updated guidance is designed to protect public health and safety while supporting advancements in the field of biomedicine.


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