• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Utilizing Smart Greenhouse Technology for Tomato Farming in Xinjiang


Jun 25, 2024

Runtai Agricultural Technology Development in Xinjiang, China has introduced a new agricultural project that is transforming the way tomatoes are grown. The “smart” greenhouse located in Kokdala is combining advanced technologies to cultivate tomatoes efficiently and sustainably. Executive director Tan Yue explained that the greenhouse utilizes soilless tomato cultivation along with sensors to take advantage of the long daylight and temperature changes in the region. Spanning 16 hectares, this facility operates as an intelligent agricultural park and has attracted investments due to its use of cutting-edge Dutch agricultural technology.

Compared to traditional methods, this approach has increased annual tomato production by 5-6 times while decreasing water usage to just 1/20 of conventional levels. This has significantly improved ecological sustainability in the region. The greenhouse is able to adjust irrigation based on both weather conditions and the needs of the plants, providing optimal growth with customized nutrient solutions. By implementing digital management throughout the entire process, costs have been reduced by over 40%, demonstrating the efficiency gains of smart farming.

Overall, this innovative greenhouse in Xinjiang represents a significant step forward in sustainable agriculture, showcasing the potential benefits of integrating advanced technologies into traditional farming practices. By maximizing local advantages and leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Runtai Agricultural Technology Development is setting a new standard for agricultural efficiency and sustainability in the region.


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