• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Viktor Orban and Hungary Assume EU Presidency: Eurosceptic, Authoritarian, Putin Supporter?


Jul 1, 2024

After Belgium, Hungary has taken over the Council of the European Union for the next six months. Despite fears in Brussels, Hungary has promised to act with impartiality during its presidency. However, concerns have been raised about Hungary’s anti-democratic actions and its links with the Kremlin, especially with the Russian offensive in Ukraine. The Hungarian presidency is causing unease within the European Parliament and in several member states. France is also causing concern, as the far right is on the threshold of power.

On Monday, Budapest took over the presidency from Belgium, and the Hungarian Prime Minister expressed joy at the handover ceremony. The government has pledged to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities during its term, which will last until December. Hungary aims to act as an impartial mediator, but also plans to present its vision of Europe and steer things in the right direction on various issues.

Viktor Orban, the 61-year-old veteran leader of Hungary, has been combative in his approach to the European Union. He has denigrated the Brussels technocratic elite and opposed military aid to kyiv. Orban has promised to make Europe great again, echoing a slogan made famous by Donald Trump. Even though he has faced opposition within the EU and in the European Parliament, Orban remains firm in his stance on various issues.

Orban’s plans for the presidency include focusing on economic competitiveness, combating illegal immigration, and advancing the Western Balkan countries towards EU membership. He aims to obstruct certain issues and ease restrictions on the rule of law to access EU funds. However, his room for maneuver is limited, according to experts. Belgium and the EU institutions have worked to limit potential instability during Hungary’s presidency.

Despite differences in opinion and approach, both Belgium and Hungary have expressed optimism for the future of the EU. Hungary will work to advance its agenda during its presidency, while striving to act in the interest of all EU citizens. The rotating presidency allows Hungary to control the agenda of EU meetings, but its power is not absolute. Discussions and decisions will continue among member states with varying perspectives and goals for the EU’s future.


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