• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Vladislav Surkov: A Key Player in the Kremlin’s Inner Circle


Jun 12, 2024

Vladislav Surkov is a mysterious figure in Putin’s inner circle, known for propagating chaos instead of statehood and feeding Russia’s imperial desires. Referred to as the “gray cardinal” in Kremlin jargon, Surkov wields influence behind the scenes, shaping public support for the president among the Russian population. Despite holding no official political office, Surkov played a crucial role in consolidating Putin’s power, particularly during the mass protests of 2011/12.

Surkov’s cynical attitude towards Ukraine is evident in his remarks questioning the existence of Ukrainian statehood. He views Ukraine as a construct, emphasizing “Ukrainianness” over national identity. Surkov’s career has been marked by strategic maneuvering and an ability to navigate various spheres, from politics to literature.

A product of post-Soviet nation-building, Surkov’s background is complex, with roots in Chechnya and a career that spans multiple fields, from metallurgy to dramaturgy. His political acumen is evident in his ability to combine seemingly disparate elements in his strategies. Surkov’s mastery lies in utilizing political technologies to influence public perception and support for the state.

Surkov’s literary endeavors, such as his controversial novel “Near Zero,” showcase his talent for blending fiction with political intrigue. His writings often explore themes of manipulation, corruption, and power dynamics in post-Soviet Russia. Surkov’s provocative ideas on the future of governance, including a vision of democracy without people, highlight his unconventional approach to politics.

Despite his enigmatic persona and elusive nature, Surkov remains a central figure in Russian politics, shaping narratives and influencing policies behind the scenes. His recent musings on the geopolitical landscape, including references to a future “great north” alliance, hint at his long-term strategic thinking and vision for Russia’s role on the world stage.


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