• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Voyager 1 Continues to Send Science Data from All Four Instruments


Jun 15, 2024

The two Voyager spacecraft represent humanity’s farthest exploration into the Universe to date, making their well-being a top priority for many people. The recent near-death experience of Voyager 1 was a concerning event, but it seems that things have returned to normal. All four remaining scientific instruments are now back online and providing valuable information.

After completing its primary mission over 43 years ago, Voyager 1 had to disable five of its instruments, including the cameras, due to diminishing power reserves. Two more instruments had also failed, leaving only the magnetometer (MAG), charged particle (LECP), cosmic ray (CRS) instruments, and the plasma wave subsystem (PWS) operational. Recent science data confirms that these instruments are functioning properly again.

With Voyager 1 mostly restored to normal operation, some maintenance tasks are required. This includes resynchronizing the onboard time and performing upkeep on the digital tape recorder. These actions will ensure that the spacecraft is prepared for its 47th anniversary this fall.

Special thanks to Mark Stevens for providing this update.


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